
Commercialising Bio-based Materials

Recent years have seen increasing interest in chemical products derived from renewable raw materials. As a result, the established producers of bio-based chemicals have been joined by a range of new players. These include agricultural producers, petrochemical companies and spinouts from academic institutions, all looking to develop opportunities ranging from very high volume biofuels down to low volume fine chemicals.
Using renewable raw materials reduces dependence on fossil carbon, but it also presents new challenges. These include seasonal availability, raw material variability, co-product balancing, pesticide residues, and many others. Overcoming these issues to make products which will meet the expectations of the tightly regulated and quality-conscious downstream industry may be costly or impossible. Consequently, if you are a new entrant in this area you face a range of risks which may be unfamiliar and hard to evaluate.

bm4tech have extensive practical experience in developing and commercialising bio-based chemical products and can offer support and a structured process for evaluation of new opportunities, in order to ensure that business risks are identified and addressed at an early stage in the product development cycle.